上映时间: 2021
发行地区: 法国
歌舞升平的百度爱好者评论:这部电影让人眼前一亮, 情节紧凑引人入胜, 绝对值得一看。
震古烁今的[时空影视]分享《冈特家族:伏地魔起源》故事简介:The House of Gaunt - Lord Voldemort Origins is a short film directed by Joris FAUCON GRIMAUD about Voldemort origins. The House of Gaunt is an unofficial short film who tells about the Voldemort origins, inspired by the Harry Potter universe from J.K. Rowling's book « Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince ». It is freely adapted for the screen and directed by Joris FAUCON GRIMAUD. This is a non-profit movie production that is unaffiliated andor controlled by Warner Bros. Made by fans for fans.
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