片名:《希区柯克剧场 第三季》
上映时间: 1957
发行地区: 美国
歌舞升平的百度爱好者评论:这部电影让人眼前一亮, 情节紧凑引人入胜, 绝对值得一看。
震古烁今的[时空影视]分享《希区柯克剧场 第三季》故事简介:
An arrogant detective, Charles Courtney, prides himself on never having committed a single mistake in his long and distinguished career. He keeps a shelf of labeled mementos from each of his cases. On the shelf there is an open space and a blank tag for what Courtney calls "The Perfect Crime". One day a defense lawyer stuns Courtney when he confronts him with evidence that the ...
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