片名:《家有仙妻 第一季》
上映时间: 1964
发行地区: 美国
歌舞升平的百度爱好者评论:这部电影让人眼前一亮, 情节紧凑引人入胜, 绝对值得一看。
震古烁今的[时空影视]分享《家有仙妻 第一季》故事简介:
Samantha, a powerful member of the society of witches that has lived apart from (and disdained) humanity for many centuries, falls in love with a mortal, Darrin Stephens. Much to the disgust of most of her family, she vows to give up witchcraft and become an ordinary suburban housewife, raising a family (bearing Tabitha and Adam). Never able to give up her heritage completely, ...
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